Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Freedom to Draw

I found this among material hidden away since the 1980's. I find it a rebuke that the time between has not seen progress with
this opportunity. The University of the Third Age experience this year ( 2011) offers at least a move to re-engage with this challenge. However, the focus on drawing animals is not quite what Rick Ball and Chris Neild intended.
In 'The Refining Fire" by Dawn Mendham, Chris reminds us of Genesis 2 where God hands over to Adam the freedom to name the animals. Chris points out that the Creative initiative was handed over to Adam. It is not a matter of him guessing the right answers- that is, what God really wanted them named - but a matter of total freedom and control. There were, in fact, no 'right' answers but Adam's answers which God encouraged and accepted ( If accepted was necessary). Chris believes that this freedom to create is still with us - that it is not a matter of creating according to divine blueprint but a matter of claiming freedom and taking responsibility for its use" ( pp 111 -112)
As "Image Bearers of God" and redeemed .... 'In Christ" this is most especially the case.
This is the challenge that I note below but am aware that at times it is fear that prevents its exploration.

Report of an ELM Centre Seminar

The first Saturday saw me doodling to the Glory of God
To find a shape that is satisfying to me! … is this being self-centred?
God, are you saying that being made in your Creative Image I can do something that pleases me? And this will please You?
Wow! And do I hear you correctly? I don’t have to stick with the squares, triangles, cubes and spheres that you use to make things?
I can make something new? I am just a little scared about this. I don’t know whether I can ……. want ….. should …. [ What’s that? You say I must stop these idle questions and get on with the drawing. God, you know I often ask questions to resist doing what I know…. ]
Wait a bit! I came to do an Introduction to Aesthetics not a Development of my Spiritual Life. [ I’ll do that some other time]
You mean You can reach me through any area of my life …. [ Isn’t there just one little area I can have to myself!!! There is a caution here. Does the freedom given me by God (The I Am, Creating and Covenant Keeping One) allow .. encompass to be myself ?]

The following Saturday I was offered the use of a magic brush …. To use for a year to do as I wished.
What uses? To reproduce what is already there? To make food for the world’s starving …. To brush out evil from the world.
How unfree am I to jump in and simply draw. Must I be aware of my own frailties and be cautious in how I use the brush?
Given the work of the Holy Spirit in my life and in the whole world around me I suggest I can be bold and make those brush strokes confidently and with a deep sense of joy.

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