Sunday, 9 January 2011

The Torn Veil - Gulshan Esther

In the light of deaths and persecutions of Christians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan .... [sadly all Islamic countries,] in recent days I decided to include the conclusion to Gulshan's book for a statement of Faith ... a Witness.

'Today I no longer need the Five Pillars of Islam to support my faith.

My WITNESS is to Jesus, crucified, dead and buried, then raised in Resurrection life,
and now living in his own people.

My NAMAZ is not to an unknowable God, but to one whose story is found in His own Word, the Holy Bible my most precious treasure, which is written on the tablets of my heart and mind, just as the Quran used to be.

My ZAKAT is no longer a proportion, but the whole of my income, for everything I have belongs to God. My riches are stored up in Heaven.

My FASTING is not done at Ramadan, to placate God, so that I might be sure of Paradise, but it is done with delight, so that I might know Him better.

My HAJJ is my journey through life, Each day brings me nearer my goal - to be with Jesus - my heavenly King, for ever.

"The blood of bulls, sheep and goats can never wipe away sin, but we may enter into the holiest place, in perfect acceptance, through a new and living way, through the veil, that is to say, His Flesh, For this man [ Jesus] when He had offered one sacrifice for sin for ever, sat down on the right hand of God" Hebrews 10: 12

Such is Jesus, Lamb of God, prophet and priest, King of kings, my Lord and my God

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