Wednesday, 1 September 2010

On the Emmaus Road

Emmaus … On the Emmaus Road.

The notion of journey is popular among Christians and many others in our society. This is a reflection on what this means for Christians especially in the use of the Emmaus story as a (The!) significant justification for such thinking.

What seems often forgotten in Christian discussion is that in the Emmaus story there is the initial great disappointment that expectations had been misplaced in Jesus and then there is an explanation which provides a clear and definite starting point for a Christian Journey. Both in words and in act Jesus is revealed as the True Messiah of Israel and Risen Lord of All. For an authentic Emmaus journey there is a very clear starting point which can be described as a (THE ) door opening. .. A new direction is pointed out ……. AND powerfully an assurance there is a Guide who walks with us. For in the Ascension Jesus the Lord is seated at the Right hand of the Creator-Covenant keeping God. Jesus is there alive as the true New Adam, as the New Israel, as our true High Priest interceding for us.

It is with this New Testament formulation of the story that we ought to understand The Faith ‘once delivered to the Saints’.

Both in this story of Jesus meeting the husband and wife on the Emmaus road and in the proclamations of the Gospel in the Acts of the Apostles reference is made to ‘from Moses and the prophets …. The listeners were informed of the way in which Jesus was / is the fulfillment of these promises and expectations of that story – The Story of the Creator and Covenant Making God. While the connections of this starting point of the Gospel are rarely given today it is vital for Christians to grasp this story and work out their faith from there.

It was the telling of the story from Abraham through Moses, then the Prophets and the way that Jesus and the events of his life fulfilled that story that lead this couple to realise their expectations about Jesus had not been misplaced, and consequently to be filled with great excitement causing them to retrace their steps ( sometimes vital for any journey ) to share with the other disciples of Jesus.

While each of us has a personal journey to make it is important, no vital, to see that this Emmaus Journey is fundamentally an incorporating journey. We have become members of the New Humanity … To be bound together in Christ, .. members of the New Covenant … the New Creation … NOW.
Note Paul's reference to the Lord's Supper. "In the same way He took the cup also, after supper, saying, "This cup is the New Covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." ! Corinthians 11: 23 - 26.

The Letter to the Hebrews has been vital in providing that framework of this Jewish Story. Mind you Paul’s Letter to the Romans also does this but is too often seen through the lens of the Doctrines of Justification and Righteousness – yes, they are there in great detail but Paul is concerned to frame those and other ‘doctrines’ within the full Jewish Story from the Old Testament to the Gospels.

I trust the label JOURNEYS WELL TROD is the correct label for this story.

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