Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Freedom to Speak and Write

Concerning the visit of Antony Loewenstein to Brisbane.
Sep 22nd, 2006 at 6:40 pm
Thank you for coming to Brisbane - I attended the said gathering and appreciated three members of the Jewish family speaking with civil tongues about this topic - My Israel Question. It has seemed to me that tying the existence of the state of Israel to the holocaust involves the tragic transference of the guilt of Europe onto the Palestinians. Not one Palestinian sent a Jew to their death in Europe. Nor was any Palestinian involved in the thousand plus years of progroms in Europe. Yet Golda Meir treated them as non persons. The rabbi at the funeral of the Jewish terrorist who killed Muslims at prayer in a mosque could say - a million Palestinians are not worth the fingernail of a Jew. It doesn’t make sense. If he had said a million Germans or a million Europeans, one could understand - even though it has a bad taste about it.
I trust you received some encouragement from your trip to Brisbane to continue with your voice being heard - for the sake of Israel and for the sake of justice for the Palestinian.
As a Christian, I recognise that I must needs be extremely cautious in what I say or write about Israel given what my co-religionists have done to Jews. But I do know I must address the Zionists within “my Christian family” who have, particularly in the US and to a lesser extent in Australia, influenced the political climate there and here. The way that so many treated Hanan Ashrawi when she came to Australia is indicative of this.

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