Sunday, 8 December 2013

The Temple in the light of the Resurrection

Heaven and Earth. Your Kingdom Come on Earth as it is in Heaven. How close is Heaven? Much closer than we have thought. The focus needs to be on The Temple.

“When some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God, he said, ‘As for these things that you see, the days will come when not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down.’” Luke 21: 5 -6
This was far more significant. The Temple was the focus of Israel’s life. It was where the people met Yahweh. It was where the Spirit of God chose to dwell with His People. It was the place of sacrifice, to deal with sin, failure. The Place where the Word of the Lord was spoken in its clearest terms.  it was believed to by the unique dwelling place of YHWH on Earth. It was the place where Heaven and Earth met. 
So when Jesus spoke of the destruction of the Temple there in Jerusalem He was proclaiming judgement in its most forceful way.
Jesus went to say that when destroyed it would be rebuilt in three days. His resurrection would see the New Temple Created. With the giving of the Holy Spirit as the clearest affirmation that this was true. Where the Spirit is locates where the Temple is. The Temple is Jesus and whomsoever Jesus joins to Himself. It is the most dispersed expression of Temple. 
Today, Cathedral is often seen as Temple as where the Spirit of God is most clearly expressed but this is not true. However significant people might find cathedrals. My visit to the photo exhibition for Shelter from the Storm was a powerful reminder of what the true Temple is today. Follows Bishop Kenneth Cragg's view that when we meet the other we should remove our shoes as we walk on holy ground.